Guide how to make a 0 DEF Mag
Okay so I think after doing this 5 times I am pretty sure I have it down. First you will need a level 0 mag from Power Plant Plight quest, you will also need to be able to dual log, or have a friend in room with you, I think it could be important that both characters enter the room at the same time, and also a stable connection will help a lot. Feed antidotes until it is level 8, and only 1 antidote left to hit level 10. At this point you must USE TRADE WINDOW to pass mag to the other player, why it works this way I have no idea, but after trying this out all week this was the only way I could make it work. Wait the time and feed the one last antidote, and then some antipara for good measure. I don't think antipara is needed, but it does make me feel safer. I think listening to 80s pop may also help with this.
This is how it should look before trade:

This is what you should end up with:

Now as far as I know not all stat sets are possible with these mags, some you just simply can't do, so don't expect mags like what you get from events. That said, I do know racast, and the majority of max stat mags can be done.
Also, again, I have no idea why this works, maybe it doesn't work for you, but it has been repeatedly working for me.