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Game Info


ID: Whitill

Guild Card: 40000003

Other Characters

Nei: Purplenum

Tails: Oran

Ult: Greenil

Alys: Bluefull


Joe Musashi: Skyly



Personal Life and History

Born in Piata on AW 2263 on the Planet Motavia in the Algo Solar System.


AW 2284

Student of the largest Academy on the Planet. After the Outbreak of the Monsters all over Motavia, Hunters were ordered to clean the Academy from those. Shiva was at that Moment one of the Students who worked on a Project where he was researching with the DNA of different species. When he was called by the principal to his Office. Secretly he told Shiva, one of his trusted students, that he bought a few living Monsters from one of a corrupted Hunter back and asked Shiva to help him study those. For months both were keeping it as their Secret while hiding those in the basement. Till that day Shiva used his examples he made before. Just when Shiva thought his own researches were all failures, he jumped in the other day to throw everything away.

But after the principal reconized, that Shiva never came back to Surface, he decided to take a look. While he was going down the stairs, he heard noises from every corner. In one of those corners he managed to see Shiva in the dark hanging in the air, held by some "things". Suddenly it became quiet. Only Shiva's blood he could hear while it was dripping on the floor.... In a fast walk he had to move Shiva's Dead Body out of the basment, hide the evidence. All the Research were left behind. After hiding Shiva's Dead Body, he called other Hunters to clean up the mess while he was doing like he never knew something about that.

It doesnt Even Took a half of a week when two Hunters came for help.

During all that Time, Shiva were Frozen in another Part of the basement. So when the Hunters did their Part and left, the principal decided to make his own Research on Shiva, while he was infected by that Monster and made Shiva's Death Public. His Death during an accident.

After the catastrophe, few months later, which caused the dark Force on this planet, the principal figured out, how to use Shiva's researches and used it on him. For a few more days he was watching him recovering his cell's with the DNA of that Monster. But still he couldnt tell someone. So again he decided to freeze him in the basement. The Principal's Research were successfully. Now he had to get rid of Shiva. Since trash was thrown to Space, the principal did the same with Shiva.


AW 2288

For Four years Shiva's frozen Body went through Space. Still his Cell's were re-generating. Until the spaceship Alisa III picked him up. The Ship was controlled by an cyborg named Wren. While Wren didnt knew anything about him, he held him Frozen in a capsule. Since the end of the catastrophe with the Dark Force he had no Mission and tried to search for other planets because of the complete destruction of the Planet Parma.


AW 3060

Wren found the Planet Coral. But the Planet had it's own war called "the Great blank" which became unlivable  due to radiation and an overall destruction of the world’s climate system. Two Pionier Ships departed to also search for a Planet they could settle down. So Wren went on Board of Pionier 1 while he left Shiva on board Pionier 2 that some researchers can help Him.


AW 3068

Shiva Cell's were fully regenerated and he was rewoken.

His Memories were broken so he can barely remember anything.

Also a Planet named Ragol was found. As they needed as many Hunters as they can, Shiva made his Hinters License. Also scientists noticed his fast recovery and strenght from those Cell's during the VR Simulation. Also he is very slowly getting old.


AW 3069

Since Ragol was that large, official Teams were made to discover Ragol's secrets faster.

Shiva then met another Hunter named Raziel.

Together they created they Team called SPEEDSTAR.

To documented everything, Shiva used an in-Build Camera device to take pictures of everything. Since then he is staying on Pionier 2 and is searching to discover everything. Even Hunters...

Photo by chrono 2016

Team Founder, 1st Admin

In Speedstar

 February 27, 2016 unknown


Role in Speedstar: 

Founder, 1st Admin

In Game Information

Class: RAmar

Level: 200

ID: Whitill

Contact informatiom


Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst Destiny Server

© 2016 created and designed by Shiva & Raziel & Chrono015

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