Game Info
ID: Redria
Guild Card: 42165869
Chrono (Crono) is the main character created by Phantasy Star Online player Chrono015. Chrono was created on May 20, 2016 and is currently the 5th Admin and Advisor for Speedstar. His home is lobby 13 inside PSO. He is kind hearted and thoughtfull, he helps train and guide new players.
Name Origin
The names "Chrono", "Crono" and "Chrono015" originated from a game called Chrono Trigger. He first named his Xbox account "Crono015" (Summer of 2012) which is where "Chrono015" comes from. He uses variations of the original name "Chrono015", "Crono", "Chrono015pc or "Chrono"
Personal Life and History
Back in 2012 he joined Phantasy Star Online private fan server "Schthack" with a character named "Chrono". Coincidently a Server admin at the time was also named "Crono" which led to later events. Chrono015 stayed on Schthack for a few months then went quiet.
In May of 2015 Chrono015 found another Phantasy Star Online fan server. He created his first character named "Chrono015". The character was Skyly HUmar. He played for 2-3 months and decided without any word to leave and go "dark".
In january 2016 Chrono stated that he had "purchased a new laptop" and he rejoined Phantasy Star Online for the second time. He created a new character called "Chonus" which looks similar to his current character "Crono". Chonus was a FOnewearl with an ID of "Oran". It is unknown what happened to his first character "Chrono015". He played PSO until May, 2016 when he decided to make his current and farthest character "Crono". Chonus was rumored to have been deleted but the items and gear were transfered over to his new character.
On May 17, 2016 Chrono015 joined his current team known as Speedstar. He met "RRR (Razumikhn)" who was currently an admin on Speedstar and they played together for a week before he decided Chrono015 was worth adding to Speedstar. RRR and Shiva met up and added Chrono015 to Speedstar as a member.
On May 31, 2016 Chrono015 was apointed by Shiva as a "Preceptor" this was the beggining of his journey. Chrono015 then started to help players out by Leveling with them or guiding to the ways of the game. He helped over 30 people the first month of his "job".
During late June early July it was rumored that Chrono had gone "dark" again, as no one ever saw him in the game. Chrono clariffied that he hadn't gone "dark" he just was "busy with leveling players."
July 25, 2016 Shiva asked to meet up with Chrono. Shiva stated that "Chrono has shown his independence and leadership in the game by helping players." Shiva called Raziel in and Chrono was then promoted as Speedstar's 5th Admin and also recieved a new tittle of "Team Advisor". Chrono is now Speedstar's Team Advisor and the 5th Admin. Chrono started helping more on the team related work.